Friday, May 23, 2008

Latin Tiki Trick

Dr. Sam Tee, a lost variety of cocktail container typical of Tiki culture, appears in the last Señor Coconut video clip, a cover of “Da Da Da” (right). In the menu of the Hawaiian Village, Tampa, Florida (left), one can read its naive description: Those oriental doctors know something. This drink is prescribed for the timid, the daring, the young in heart. A tropical adventure with delectable rums (Tiki Modern, Sven A. Kirsten, Taschen).

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Scanner Darkly

Nazi stamp found on the cover of Danicorum monumentorum (via the excellent BibliOdyssey), by Ole Worm (1643). Light and darkness interlaced. Calls for that famous phrase in Corinthians 13, now reworked by Joyce: In reply to a question as to his first sensations in the great divide beyond he stated that previously he had seen as in a glass darkly but that those who had passed over had summit possibilities of atmic development opened up to them.